New Delhi: For the first time in 90 years, an aardvark has been born at the Chester zoo in the United Kingdom. 
"We were overjoyed to discover the new arrival snuggled up with mum Oni (8) and dad Koos (6) after it had been born overnight on 4 January," said the Chester zoo in its statement.


Zookeepers named the aardvark calf 'Dobby' from the famous Harry Potter series as it has large droopy ears, hairless wrinkled skin and giant claws.

The Chester zookeepers are currently nurturing the little calf of the endangered species and feeding it for a few hours through the night for around five weeks.

The interesting fact about the little calf is that its sex is yet to be determined and it will take 4 to 5 months to reveal its sex.

The endangered species is found in the wild of sub-Saharan Africa. In the African language, the word aardvark translates to 'earth pig' which are nocturnal animals and use their long noses and keen sense of smell to sniff out ants and termites.

Aardvarks have powerful claws that help them to tear open termite mounds and dig underground burrows.

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