Ignoring your partner can lead to relationship issues, but being overly attentive can also create problems. In a strange case from Japan, a man found himself in trouble after repeatedly calling his wife over 100 times a day.


The wife didn’t always answer his calls, so the man resorted to calling from unknown numbers when she didn’t respond. While calling a spouse a few times a day might be normal, this husband took it to an extreme, leaving his wife distressed and frustrated. She was so troubled by his behavior that she decided to take legal action against him.

According to reports, the 38-year-old man from Amagasaki, Japan, called his wife around 100 times daily. Whenever she answered, he would hang up without saying a word. His actions became suspicious as he would never call while at home or when playing video games on his phone. This led the wife to grow increasingly suspicious of him.

Eventually, the 31-year-old woman decided to report the strange calls to the police. She also shared her suspicions about her husband’s involvement. Authorities launched an investigation and soon discovered that her husband was indeed behind the calls. On September 4th, he was arrested under Japan's anti-stalking laws.

When questioned, the husband explained that he made so many calls because he loved his wife. His response left everyone puzzled. Police noted that this was the first case in Amagasaki where a husband had been caught harassing his own wife.