Kolkata: Amid the rising cases of coronavirus in West Bengal, Kolkata Police Commissioner Anuj Sharma tested positive for COVID-19 on Thursday. While speaking to our correspondent he said, “Mild symptoms and fever. Got result today. Working from home.”


Meanwhile, those who came in contact with him have been asked to quarantine themselves. Soon after Sharma’s reports arrived, his chamber on the first floor of the main building at Lalbazar - Kolkata Police Headquarters was sanitised.

Sources in the police department said that he did not attend office in the last couple of days ever since he had symptoms.

IPS Sharma along with other senior IPS officers had been active in the social media platforms especially on Twitter in the past few months responding to the urgent need for plasma donors for COVID-19 patients.

Sharma had been responding to all such requests where men from his own force, after recovering from COVID-19 would reach hospitals to donate plasma to the patients.