Washington: A majority of Americans disapprove of the way President Donald Trump is handling his job after a month in office, according to a poll.


The poll by NBC News and SurveyMonkey suggests that 53 per cent of people are not satisfied by his actions, compared to 43 per cent who approve, NBC News reported.

More than 30 per cent were angry by the way the federal government was performing.

The survey also found that nearly two-thirds of Americans were worried the country will become engaged in a major war in the next four years. Of those, 36 per cent said they were "very worried" about the US becoming involved in a conflict during Trump's term.

The findings of the poll, suggested that Americans were largely split on Trump's executive order on immigration and ObamaCare, which he has pledged to repeal and replace.

Half approved of Trump's temporary ban on travellers from seven Muslim-majority nations, while 47 per cent disapproved. 

Fifty-two per cent of those surveyed had a favourable view of the Affordable Care Act, while 45 per cent saw it unfavourably.