New Delhi: Bangladesh's Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) on Thursday (September 9, 2021) arrested a top leader of the banned militant outfit Jama'atul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) Imdadul Haque alias Uzzwal Master from Dhaka's Basila area.


In an operation launched at midnight, the RAB raided a house in Mohammadpur area where he had taken shelter. Acting on a tip-off, the RAB team cordoned off a nearby building early Thursday morning, RAB Spokesperson Commander Khandaker Al Moin told Dhaka Tribune.

RAB seized a huge cache of arms and ammunition, a bullet-proof vest, 3 lac Bangladeshi taka and some Jihadi literature. He is being questioned.

Imdadul Haque was living on rent and had introduced himself as a worker at a printing press. He had even told the landlord that soon his family members will stay with him.