After months of missile threats and enmity exchanged through social media, US President Donald Trump and North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un signed a comprehensive document in a historic summit in Singapore on Tuesday. 


Issuing a joint statement after the summit, Trump and Kim pledged to work towards complete denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula and assured to maintain peace between the two countries. 
While both the leaders found the summit successful, netizens took to Twitter to troll Trump and  Kim, with few even suggesting to reward the former with Nobel 'Peace' Prize. 

 Here are some of the reactions: 












President  Donald Trump said he was open to the idea of inviting Kim Jong-un to the White House, he also said that this was the first of many meetings to come with his North Korean counterpart. Kim, on his part, said the past should be buried and that both countries should now look at the present and future, and ensure close collaboration.