US President Donald Trump on Tuesday said he has great respect for Prime Minister Narendra Modi and would be talking to him very soon.


Trump and Modi are slated to attend the G-20 Summit in Argentina on November 30 and December 1, where there is a likelihood of a meeting between the two. The White House has not made any announcement in this regard so far.

"I'll be talking to him soon. Thank you," Trump told Indian Ambassador to the US, Navtej Singh Sarna, during the Diwali celebrations at the White House.

"He looks forward to seeing you," Sarna replied.

Trump told the top Indian diplomat, who was a special invitee to the White House Diwali celebrations, that he loves India.

"We love your country. I have great, great respect for, as you know, Prime Minister Modi -- tremendous respect. So just please give my warmest regards," said the US President. 
Trump and Modi enjoy a strong personal friendship.

During his presidential campaign, Trump had praised Modi for the economic and bureaucratic reforms in the country.

The US president had hosted Modi at the White House in June last year.