Israel Defense Forces (IDF) International Spokesperson Lt. Col. Peter Lerner has emphasized that they are currently awaiting the "green light" from the government for a ground offensive in Gaza. Since the October 7th terror attack by Hamas, which claimed the lives of 1,400 Israelis and led to numerous hostages, Israel has remained on high alert. Speaking to diplomatic correspondent Sidhant Sibal from Tel Aviv, Lt. Col. Peter Lerner explained, "If the ground offensive is instructed and approved by the government, we will be prepared to mobilize. The reservists are now being equipped, trained, and given specific tasks in anticipation of that ground offensive."


In response to the situation in the Gaza Strip resulting from what Israel says are actions to deal with Hamas hideouts, Lerner noted, "We've instructed much of the population in the northern Gaza Strip to evacuate and move towards the south. I'm happy to report that we have seen a massive number of people who have followed our instructions, despite Hamas's efforts to prevent them."

The continuous Israeli military operations in the Gaza Strip have raised significant concerns about the humanitarian situation, with the United Nations and other world leaders expressing their worries. The IDF spokesperson also pointed out that Hamas is currently in a "state of disarray" adding, "They will definitely be in shock when we get to them."
Sidhant Sibal: We know there is a buildup at Gaza so can we expect a ground offensive very soon?

Lt. Col. Peter Lerner: The IDF is now on its 14th day of its offensive to destroy Hamas, to dismantle its capabilities to seek out and pursue its leaders and terrorists. Indeed in the course of the last 14 days, the IDF has recruited some 300,000 reservists. Their role if instructed will be across the various services of the IDF and also including the ground offensive. If the ground offensive is instructed and approved by the government, we will be prepared to mobilize. The reservists are now being equipped and trained and given specific tasks in anticipation for that ground offensive and that is what they are preparing for. Indeed, it does appear that that is the way forward. But we are as I said, waiting for the green light from the government in order to mobilize. Currently, we are striking Hamas in its entirety, seeking out its leaders, and destroying its operational capabilities, its command and control positions. And of course, hunting down its leaders in the perpetrators of the atrocities of the seventh of October.

Sidhant Sibal: Sir, it has been over a week since the terror attack happened. How much have you been able to neutralise Hamas in the Gaza Strip?

Lt. Col. Peter Lerner: We have struck and targeted hundreds of different targets, including leaders, terrorists, planners, operators including the cabinet of the Hamas's terrorist government. Indeed, we understand that they are in a state of disarray as an organization, as a governing body. But they are hiding they're hiding behind the people of Gaza. They are willing to sacrifice the people of Gaza because they have no regard for human life, Israeli or Palestinian. So our understanding is that they are in a state of disarray. They haven't got a clue what is going on above ground. They will definitely be in shock when we get to them. But we will, we are determined to defeat them. We did not open this war, but we will win it.

Sidhant Sibal: Right now, the Southern Front is open but we see Activities on the Northern Front as well with Hezbollah planning some kind of offensive or attack. How do you plan to deal with Hezbollah if it plans to open the Northern Front as well?

Lt. Col. Peter Lerner:  Absolutely, we've seen over the last 14 days, a constant increase in hostilities by Hezbollah and other terrorist organizations operating in Lebanon. We've seen anti-tank guided missiles fired and as we've seen mortars, we've seen rockets, we've seen sniper fire and we've seen machine gun fire at our forces. We have taken the necessary precautions some of those reservists that have been called up have been sent to reinforce the northern border in order to be prepared for a potential flare-up with Hezbollah as well. Their attacks still appear to be on a low scale, which indicates that they are trying to divert our attention from the South to the North. And we understand that Iran is actually behind this effort. We are a strong military. We have great capabilities. We have a professional military, and I would say we can fight on two fronts or multiple fronts if required. We don't want to but we are prepared to if we if we are needed.

Sidhant Sibal: Coming back to your previous reply, IDF has been targeting Hamas in the Gaza Strip and you talked about the Palestinians as well. What would you say about humanitarian aspects given that there's is an increased pounding of Hamas hideouts by the Israeli side that can lead to collateral damage as well?

Lt. Col. Peter Lerner:  So we operate basically, like the Indian military based on three core principles, 1) the principle of distinction between civilians, non combatants and terrorists, 2) the principle of military necessity what is the advantage of the specific strike? What abilities does it take from the enemy? 3) And thirdly, proportionality.

And we're constantly balancing out those three components in order to be effective in our efforts in order to try and minimize and keep civilians out of harm's way. We've instructed much of the population in the northern Gaza Strip to evacuate and go towards the south. I'm happy to report that we have seen a huge massive amount of people who have actually listened to us. And that is despite Hamas's efforts to prevent them. Hamas put out public announcements telling people not to evacuate. When people went, when they saw that people weren't listening to them, they erected checkpoints, physical checkpoints with terrorists that are trying to prevent them. Even that wasn't successful. So I'm happy to say that people listen to us because they understand that what happened on the seventh of October is unacceptable to any decent human being's understanding. So the people, the decent people of Gaza, have listened to Israel and have headed South. Indeed Hamas have no regard for human life, and they will jeopardize the civilian population of Gaza. And our job is to differentiate between that analysis, specifically what we're doing. We've designated a humanitarian zone in the southwest of the Gaza Strip in the Al-Mawasi area. And our operations, when we need to strike in the Gaza Strip are much more precision intelligence based against specific targets in order to eliminate specific threats. So I would say that when we look at the operation, and when we look at what we're doing, to defeat and destroy us, we are doing it in a way that sends a clear message to the people of Gaza. You are not our enemy. Hamas is our enemy. And that is what we're doing.

Sidhant Sibal: How many IDF causalities have been there since the attacks?

Lt. Col. Peter Lerner: We have the last number 304 as IDF fatalities in this attack. Of course, there are 203 hostages being held by Hamas. We still have over 100 people that are unaccounted for. So that number might go up and of course, Hamas butchered, murdered and massacred over 1,400 people, Israelis, men, women, children, the elderly, they have no regard for anybody. And they just came on the mass mass mass murder of anybody that they found. In that time, they have also fired some 7000 rockets at Israel and jeopardized Israeli security, safety and the safety of the people from Haifa although in the north all the way down to the south. And they're continuing their attacks against us, and we are continuing our strikes against them. We have I can say that we are every time we meet a terrorist on the grounds, the terrorist is killed in the exchange. That is what we are doing. We are restoring safety and security. I can say even yesterday we still found a Palestinian terrorist in Israel's territory 13 days after the initial attack. So we are constantly securing the border, closing the breaches that they penetrated through, preventing terrorists from escaping back to the Gaza Strip, and preventing further infiltration from the Gaza Strip into Israeli communities.

Sidhant Sibal: One thing we have noticed is that Hamas is attacking even though the Iron Dome is working well. How come Hamas still has the capability to attack?

Lt. Col. Peter Lerner: The Iron Dome isn't foolproof, but it is a very effective mechanism in order to safeguard and save civilians. Hamas has accumulated a huge amount of rockets, and they are continuing to do so and I think the basic working assumption is even when a ground offensive takes place. They will continue to try and launch rockets. What we have seen as a decline in the amount of rockets that they're firing daily, which suggests that they are being pursued and have not got the comfort to launch them as freely as before. But yes, indeed they still have this arsenal. They will try and challenge us at each age period. This is the reason or one of the reasons or another part of the equation, why we need to change the paradigm so that this organization cannot fire rockets on us and not butcher our babies, can never adopt us again, and this is why we need to change the entire system.

Sidhant Sibal:  When do you see hostages being released.....?

Lt. Col. Peter Lerner:  Unfortunately, I have nothing to report on this issue as I said the number of 203 is the number that could actually go up. The working assumption is that they're alive. And I would add that we expect Hamas to take care of their well-being, they need to be released and be released now. Prime Minister Netanyahu has demanded that they have the International Committee of the Red Cross have access to the hostages. But I don't want to comment beyond that because I don't want to jeopardize them or the families of 203 people who are in despair and whose life has been torn to pieces in the aftermath of this attack for the last 14 days. So I don't want to comment on that. And jeopardize anything we can actually bring them home.