Arizona: Giving an ample indication of resolving the North Korean issue diplomatically, United Stated President Donald Trump said that "Kim Jong-un has started to respect us."


Trump said, "All of a sudden, I believe and respect the fact that I believe Kim Jong is starting to respect us.

"Without mentioning the nuclear threat or ballistic missiles, Trump said, "Something positive may come up."

Trump`s remarks coincide with the statement of Secretary of State Rex W Tillerson, who complimented Kim`s regime in Pyongyang for going more than two weeks without shooting any ICBM intercontinental ballistic missiles or blowing up any nuclear bombs.

"I`m pleased to see that the regime in Pyongyang has certainly demonstrated some level of restraint," Tillerson had said, suggesting that the brief pause in testing may be enough to meet the administration`s preconditions for talks.

"We hope that this is the beginning of the signal we`ve been looking for," he said, adding that "perhaps we`re seeing our pathway to sometime in the near future of having some dialogue. We need to see more on their part. But I want to acknowledge the steps they`ve taken so far."

The tensions between North Korea and United States escalated when Pyongyang military presented a plan to Kim Jong-un of firing four missiles towards the US Pacific territory of Guam.

South Korean President Moon Jae-in has said there "will be no war on the Korean peninsula ever again" and United States will not take a unilateral action against North Korea.

Moon assured that his government "will block war by all means" and said that only South Korea could give consent to initiate any conflict with the North."United States President Donald Trump had assured South Korea he would consult with them before making any military decisions on North Korea," Moon, who took office in May,said during a news conference on Thursday to mark the first 100 days of his presidency."Against North Korea, even with extreme pressure, it has to be solved peacefully and our opinion and US opinion about this matter is not different," Moon said.