Peshawar: In an unfortunate incident, a suicide blast has claimed two lives, while injuring three at Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. According to police reports, a suicide bomber entered a peace committee office in the province and blew himself up killing two. 


The incident happened in Chuggmalai bazar in South Waziristan tribal district bordering Afghanistan when the suicide bomber wrapped with explosives entered the peace committee office and blew himself up.

“So far two people have been killed and three others injured in the incident. The injured were immediately shifted to district Hospital Wana and admitted,” said the police official.

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According to the local media, the blast took place in the Chagmalai market and the blast's sound was audible everywhere. The deceased belonged to the Farid Shikari Group, according to the preliminary reports. Shah Gulzar and his son Mustafa have been identified as two of the deceased. A nearby shopkeeper has been identified as the one injured so far.

The local police rushed to the area and collected evidences from the site. The police also launched search operation to nab the mastermind behind the incident.

(With PTI inputs)