Peshawar: Three Pakistani paramilitary soldiers were today killed when a roadside bomb went off in Pakistan's restive northwestern tribal region, officials said.


The Pakistan Army's media wing, ISPR, said the incident occured in Zarmilan area of South Waziristan district.

The remote-controlled device exploded as the security personnel were on patrol on a motorcycle. Security forces have cordoned off the area and a search has been launched to locate more such devices.

Condemning the blast, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Governor Iqbal reiterated his administration's resolve to fight terrorism, though no group has yet claimed the attack.

The attack came as Pakistan's powerful army chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa visited the district - one of the seven semi-autonomous tribal areas where the army has been fighting militants for more than a decade.

The tribal region was once a stronghold for the Pakistani Taliban and Frontier Corps personnel have been often targeted there.