Washington: The US is permanently stationing a sophisticated armed drone system in South Korea amid North Korea's provocative missile tests, a top Pentagon official has said.


"The US Army, after coordination with the Republic of Korea Armed Forces and the US Air Force, has begun the process to permanently station a Gray Eagle Unmanned Aerial Systems company at Kunsan Air Base, Republic of Korea," Pentagon Spokesman Capt Jeff Davis said.

The deployment of these Gray Eagle Unnamed Aerial Systems company is due by next year, he told reporters during an off-camera news conference yesterday.

"The stationing of this company, which will be assigned to the 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade of the 2nd Infantry Division, directly supports the US Army's strategic plan to add one Gray Eagle company to each division in the Army," he said.

This adds significant intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capability to US Forces in Korea, Davis said.

However, he said that such a deployment is not unique to South Korea alone.

Gray Eagle Unnamed Aerial Systems is being deployed at US armed forces bases across the globe.

The latest move comes close on the heels of the deployment of THAAD missile system in South Korea in the face of the threats from North Korea.