New Delhi: With less than 48 hours left for the city to vote, Delhi`s Election Commission has intensified vigil in areas which are vulnerable to misuse of money, liquor and musclemen such as slum clusters and unauthorised colonies, besides the border with UP and Haryana. Chief Electoral Officer Vijay Dev on Monday said not only candidates or political parties attempting to bribe voters will face action but for the first time any person accepting such illegal gratification will also be booked under IPC.
"The last 72 hours are crucial and thus we have sealed and laid traps in all the clusters of jhuggis, unauthorised colonies and all such areas which are liable for misuse of money, liquor and musclemen," he said detailing the last minute action plan that his team has chalked out.
He said those sections of the society which are poor and are in need of money can be easily influenced by political parties. "So we have ensured that good traps are laid down by our teams in all such areas, as there could be attempts to bribe the electors."
For the first time, he said, in such cases, action will be taken not only against the candidates or political parties under the model code of conduct and criminal sections, even individuals accepting cash or liquor or taking any kinds of bribe will be also booked under 171 (H) of the IPC as in a way he is also participating in the malpractice. "We want to make every citizen realise that their vote is not for sale," he said.
The Chief Electoral Office would also be strengthening the border vigil especially in North-East and South-West districts.
"We are going to ensure that in cooperation with states of UP and Haryana a tight vigil is maintained to ensure that there is no movement of liquor, cash and musclemen which have the potential of vitiating the polls," he said.
In fact, he said, on the poll day all vehicles entering Delhi would be checked and it is better if the persons carry their identity cards to avoid any trouble.
"Out of 11,753 polling booths, 630 polling stations have been declared critical and hyper-critical polling stations and we are going to ensure that there is deployment of central para military forces in all these stations.
"In all these polling stations we will have micro observers, CCTV cameras. This time we are also introducing live webcasting by which we will be able to watch proceedings in the polling stations on a live basis in our control room," he said.
He informed that 64,000 of Delhi police and 107 companies of central paramilitary forces (100 personnel per company) have been deployed.
Apart from that all "our flying squads, static surveilance teams and video surveilance teams are active. So that we can cater to all the areas where there is apprehension of use of liquor, money and musclemen for vitiating the atmosphere," he said.
He said the Election Commission has identifed low voter turnout areas and low voter turnout sections of society and implemented targeted interventions for them.
"Like for rural people, we organised kabaddi matches and for urban youth concerts were held to raise awareness," Dev said.
Ahead of the D-day, Dev appealed to all political parties to maintain "decency and not degrade" the political atmosphere.
"We are appealing to all the political parties that the political atmosphere should not be allow to be degraded and a decency in the activities should be carried out. It should be ensured that the level of politics should not go down," he said.