Ahmedabad/New Delhi: Ahmedabad-based Jagat Kinkhabwala, better known as 'Chakliwala' for his passion for saving sparrows and bringing the humble bird back to the cityscape, did not expect any response when he sent his book to many in Delhi, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi.


However, he was “stunningly surprised” when the PM sent a letter in response to the book 'Save the Sparrows'.

Talking to DeshGujarat, Kinkhabwala, also known as 'sparrow man', said that in the letter, dated April 12, the PM did not only congratulate him but also displayed his sensitivity towards the issue.

Agreeing that the issue needed greater awareness, the PM mentioned in the letter that in our culture, we are taught to live in harmony with birds, plants, and animals. 

Here's the copy of the letter: