Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday extended an open challenge, for debate on issues concerning Delhi, to Union Home Minister Amit Shah as he will choose the CM candidate and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) doesn't have a CM face yet. He added that he wanted to argue with the party's CM candidate, but as the party didn't mention any name "it is clear that there is no face for BJP".


"If BJP does not have a CM face, then I am ready to debate Delhi issues with Amit Shah. I wanted to argue with BJP's CM candidate, but the party did not mention any name, it is clear that there is no face for BJP. Shah is saying that the people of Delhi should vote for the BJP and he will decide who will become the Chief Minister," said Kejriwal.

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"How can the people of Delhi give them such blank checks? The people of Delhi are not stupid. Amit Shah is saying that you vote me and I will make CM. Therefore, I invite Amit Shah to debate on every issue. Amit Shah whenever you say, I am ready to debate on every issue in front of the people of Delhi. After the debate, the public will decide for themselves who can protect their interests in a better way," added Kejriwal.

While addressing the media at the party headquarters, Kejriwal said that people have the right to choose their chief minister within the democracy, but it is very sad that BJP has no face for chief minister.

Kejriwal further added that both the BJP and the AAP have issued their manifestos and now the people of Delhi want to know who is the face of the Chief Minister's post from the BJP. "The people of Delhi want to interact with the chief ministerial candidates of both parties and want to ask questions to both the parties," added the CM.

Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said that people have the right within the democracy to decide who will become the chief minister and who will not. He said, "Wherever I go, I tell the people of Delhi that whoever the candidate is, whatever vote you cast for the AAP, that vote will come directly to, Kejriwal. Similarly, the people of Delhi want to know who will vote for in the BJP? Who will get that vote? If the BJP is not making a candidate for the post of Chief Minister, then the vote directly given to the BJP will go to the pit. No one knows what that vote will be called. That vote will be rendered useless."