Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan and actor Kartik Aryan recently shared a frame together. To elaborate a bit, both the stars were seen with a Honda CB500X while talking to each other. The video of them sharing a small chat has been posted on Instagram. In the video, both the actors can be seen wearing plush white clothes while King Khan has his attention divided because of a black coloured Honda with red highlights. The bike in the video is one of the mid-level adventure bike from the Japanese automaker. The details of the incident are not yet clear why Kartik Aryan and Shah Rukh Khan were there with the bike.


But since SRK is seen sitting on the bike, it is pretty clear that the bike had his attention, and he might be planning on riding it. However, we can rule out one thing: they were most probably not shooting a commercial for the Honda CB500X because the adventure sport motorcycle was launched in India back in May 2021.

Anyway, both of these stars are known for having exotic luxury cars in their garages, but any one of them is not known for being a motorcycle enthusiast. However, Shah Rukh Khan has been seen around motorcycles at times, apart from his movie shoots. In addition, Kartik Aryan has been spotted quite a few times riding his Royal Enfield motorcycle.

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Kartik Aryan's cars

Now getting into their luxury car collection, both of these actors have some models that they can surely brag about if they wanted to. To be more specific, Kartik Aryan owns cars like Lamborghini Urus which is a sports SUV from the Italian sports car manufacturer. In addition, the Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 actor recently received a McLaren GT from his producer Bhushan Kumar for his movie's performance at the box office. It is to be noted that the sports car was the first example of the model in India.

Shah Rukh Khan’s cars

Similarly, Bollywood's King Khan is known for his car collection consisting of models like the Mercedes S-Class (a luxurious saloon from the house of the German auto manufacturer), a BMW 7-Series, BMW i8, and other luxury models.