Bollywood actor Madhuri Dixit and her husband, Dr Shriram Nene were recently spotted in a Ferrari 296 GTB. The video of the couple enjoying a drive in a black coloured supercar was shared by a YouTube channel named CS 12 Vlogs. As seen in the video, Dr Nene is behind the wheels carefully manoeuvring the Ferrari in Mumbai traffic while Madhuri Dixit is sitting in the passenger seat. The Ferrari 296 GTB is priced at Rs 6 crore (ex-showroom) in India. 


We tracked the number of the supercar on Parivahan, the government's vehicle info website and found that it belongs to Navnit Motors and not the couple. However, Navnit Motors Pvt Ltd is the authorized Ferrari dealer in Mumbai and it's quite possible that the couple has bought the supercar pending registration or is planning to buy it soon.

Dr Nene is an automotive enthusiast and owns many exotic vehicles. He was recently in news for buying a more humble Tata Nexon EV as his daily commute vehicle. He loves electric cars and also owns a Tesla in the United States, apart from a couple of Porsches. 

Talking about the Ferrari 296 GTB, this one is the latest offering from the Italian supercar maker and is a two-door, retractable hard-top convertible sports car. The car is powered by a combination of a 3.0-litre twin-turbocharged V6 petrol engine and a 123 kW front-mounted electric motor. The combined power output of this powertrain is rated at 830 hp, that can push the GTB from 0-100 kmph in just 2.9 seconds.