Shankar Mishra, the accused in the Air India urination case, has been arrested by Delhi Police from Bengaluru. The police department arrested the accused last night and has already brought him to Delhi to be presented in court today (January 7). It is to be noted that Mishra has been evading arrest for a while now, and Delhi Police had issued a lookout circular to get a hold of Mishra. Shankar Mishra was accused of urinating on a 70-year-old co-passenger on November 26 on a New York-Delhi flight.


In the case, Delhi Police have charged Shankar Mishra with violating Sections 510 of the Indian Penal Code (misconduct in public by an intoxicated person), 509 of the Aircraft Rules Act, 294 of the Indian Penal Code (sings, recites, or utters any obscene song, ballad, or lyrics in or near any public place), and 354.

Also read: Air India peeing case: Shankar Mishra's father blames victim for blackmailing son, says money was paid

It is to be noted that Delhi Police has summoned the Air India staff and pilot as well to investigate and create a timeline of the incident. The staff is to be present at the office of the deputy commissioner of police airport at 10:30 am today.

Prior to this, Shankar Mishra, with the help of his lawyers, issued a statement defending himself against the accusations. He also said in the statement that he will cooperate with the authorities in the investigation. The statement said, "the accused has full faith in the judicial system of the country and will cooperate with the investigation process."

Meanwhile, Wells Fargo has fired the man accused. Mishra's employment with the American multinational corporation was terminated on Friday. The company took cognizance of the incident on November 26 and took action against their employee, mentioning that they find these allegations "deeply disturbing". It should be noted that Mishra worked as the firm's Vice-President in India.