An unusual incident took place at Delhi airport today where a car belonging to Go First airline went under an IndiGo A320neo aircraft, narrowly avoiding collision with the plane's nose wheel. Aviation regulator Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) will investigate this incident, that happened at stand number 201 of the airport's T2 terminal. There was no damage to the plane and no one was injured, aviation industry sources said. The aircraft was readying to depart for Patna on Tuesday morning when a Swift Dzire car belonging to Go First airline went under it, narrowly avoiding collision with the nose wheel, the sources said.


As per a preliminary information, the IndiGo aircraft bearing registration VT-ITJ was ready for departure to Patna. The flight 6E-2022 was scheduled to departure for Patna Airport at 6.30 AM on August 2.

The plane departed for Patna on schedule, they mentioned and reached at 8.05 AM as per the scheduled arrival. The car's driver was subjected to a breath analyser test for consumption of alcohol and it was found to be negative, the officials added.

(With inputs from PTI)