The helicopter carrying former Karnataka Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa landed in trouble prior to its landing in Kalaburagi. Due to the plastic sheet and other garbage lying on the helipad, the helicopter was forced to cancel the initial landing attempt. The plastic debris that was flying through the air as the chopper approached the ground reduced the pilot's visibility, so he made the decision to abort the landing. 


The video of the cancelled landing was caught on camera. The video showed the helicopter coming close to the ground and flying back up after the garbage ground obstructed the landing at the helipad. As per the reports, the plastic covering the helipad had to be quickly removed by the security personnel on the ground. The helicopter was later successfully landed.

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It is to be noted that the former Karnataka CM and BJP leader BS Yediyurappa in Kalaburagi to participate in BJP's 'Jana Sanakalpa Yatre.'