A dear friend had once told me, your true calling is not the job you have always wanted, but the job that you stumble upon! I believe her. After an education appropriate for a job I thought was destined for me, I found myself stuck in a rut, unable to break out of a cycle of increasingly meaningless work. Aviation was nowhere close to where I thought I would be growing up. One interview later, I found myself, quite literally, with my head in the clouds.


My first interview was by chance and it was the first time in years I was really honest with myself. I wanted to do something worthwhile, something meaningful. Hard work was never a problem. The travel and destinations were perks. My real goal was to feel valued in my role and add my own unique streak to what I deliver. 

And so I left a job, and found a career that I fell in love with. I go to bed when others rise, and sometimes have to say goodbye when I wish I could stay. But those are small sacrifices for what I have received in return. I learnt immeasurable life skills, some of which I hope I never have to use. I learnt to smile through challenges. I learnt that I am reliable. I learnt that the expanse is limitless.


I found satisfaction with a day's work. I understand the unfathomable value of patience and kindness. I built so many new relationships, the most trying of which is the one I share with my alarm clock. I learned most of all, to be thankful for what I do. I belong within a system, a plan bigger than just myself. But the smallest of actions on my part can have the greatest impact. 

I had wanted to fly for a short while, and then go back to what I was doing before. But I found a life that resonates with me, a home that I can call my own and I'm not quite ready to put my wings to rest. From getting a sense of independence to now having learnt the value of “selflessness” this profession has taught what inspires me every day to embrace the numerous opportunities that come along.

Regardless of the erratic schedule, the excitement and spontaneity of scheduling, anytime and anywhere with a suitcase by my side keep the spark alive!

Time flies, and I do too!

This article is authored by Anna Kuriakose, a flight cabin crew with Vistara. All views are personal. 

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