Nagaland BJP Chief and minister Temjen Imna Along is known for his quirky and fun social media posts. He is often seen doing social commentary on Twitter, giving it a funny twist. When he is not commenting on social issues, he tickles the funny bones of his followers. In one such incident, Along tweeted his funny experience while travelling on an IndiGo flight. The BJP minister jokingly mentions how he mistook the flight number as a WhatsApp number. 


Taking to Twitter, he wrote, "Thought it was the WhatsApp Number! Better luck on your next flight Temjen". The caption as he shared a hand written note given to the minister on one of his flights. The note said, "Dear Sir, It is a great honour to have you on board with us today. Thank You for choosing INDIGO. With Love, Indigo, 6E 7288."

Recently, his another tweet went viral after he commented on an incident of flower pot theft in Gurugram. He wrote in Hindi, "Biwi ko manane gaya tha, ab Delhi Police ko mana raha hai" which translates to - "He was trying to woo his wife and now he's trying to pacify the Delhi police."

He was replying to an incident in Gurugram where the police arrested a man after a video of the alleged theft went viral on social media. In the video, two men were seen 'stealing' the flower pots kept in front of Ambience mall on the Delhi-Gurugram expressway and storing them in their car. The accused was identified as Manmohan, a 50-year-old resident of Gurugram. The police have also reportedly seized the car in the video.