Mumbai: Bhojpuri actress Akshara Singh has been catching up with her old pals in the film industry. She recently met her friend Amrapali Dubey and Dinesh Lal Yadav aka Nirahua.


The pretty actress took to Instagram to share a photograph with Amrapali, who she often refers to as a sister from another mother.

Check out her pic with Amrapali, the queen of YouTube here:

She also posted an Instagram story with Nirahua and a post with a caption that reads: "With the one and only purest soul of this industry @dineshlalyadav God bless you always (sic)."

One of Bhojpuri cinema's most talented and beautiful actresses - Akshara - is also blessed with a melodious voice. The pretty lady, who has wowed audiences by her acting has also left her fans spellbound by her singing.

Akshara, who hails from Mumbai began her acting career by working TV serials. She is one of the most successful actresses in the Bhojpuri film industry now.

Her chemistry with superstar Pawan Singh is loved by the audience and her pairing with him has delivered a number of super-hits.

Nirahua, on the other hand, is popularly known as Jubilee Star. Most of his films have proved to be a blockbuster at the Box Office. His onscreen chemistry with Amrapali sets the screen on fire. Their Jodi is also one of the most successful pairings in the Bhojpuri industry.