New Delhi: Bhojpuri bombshell Aamrapali Dubey clearly knows how to keep herself and her several fans entertained amid the coronavirus lockdown. The actress has been constantly sharing interesting TikTok videos on her Instagram profile and her fans couldn’t be more elated. Aamrapali recently posted a video of herself grooving to her ‘favourite song’ ‘Kyunki Itna Pyar Tumko’ from Salman Khan and Kareena Kapoor’s film ‘Kyon Ki … It’s Fate’ and captioned the post as, “Thodi si fikar kar lo. Favourite song,” adding a heart-eyed emoji. Forget blinking for a few minutes while watching the video as her expressions are on point.


Take a look:

Just last week, Aamrapali shared a video of herself lip-syncing rapper Badshah and Jacqueline Fernandez's latest song 'Genda Phool' and switched to a Bengali avatar for her fans.

Watch it here:

Aamrapali is an A-lister of the Bhojpuri industry, having worked with all the big names. She is one of the highest-paid actresses in the Bhojpuri movie business and is also a social media sensation. Her on-screen pairing with Dinesh Lal Yadav aka Nirahua is loved by the audiences. She started off from television and later established a career in the Bhojpuri industry.