Patna: In an unusual incident of insanity, a man in Bihar bit off his wife when he came to know a snake has bitten him.


However, the lady survived while her husband died.

The incident took place at Birsingpur village in in Kalyanpur Block, Samastipur district.

As per local daily Prabhat Khabar, a snake bit off Shankar Rai on Saturday night while he was sleeping in the verandah of his home. The man did not share this incident with anyone at night. On Sunday morning, Shankar told his wife, Amiri Devi, that he loved her too much and wanted to die with him. He then bit his wife's arm.

As soon as the villagers came to know about the incident, Shankar was taken to an exorcist.

The man eventually died. After her husband's death, Amiri Devi told villagers that Shankar had bit her before dying. Some sanity prevailed and without further ado, the villagers took her to a hospital than to an exorcist.

Amiri Devi is said to be doing fine now.