Mumbai: Kajol took to her Instagram to share an adorable video of Pushpa Joshi, her husband Ajay Devgn's 85-year-old Raid co-star. In the video, we can see the octogenarian reciting a poem that talks about having a childlike spirit in oldage. 


Kajol, who is completely smitten by her overflowing cuteness posted: "Here comes Amma... you will want to take her home. #Raid (sic)."

The Raj Kumar directorial has minted over Rs 23 crores in the first two days of its release. The Ajay Devgn starrer which also stars Saurabh Shukla and Ileana D'Cruz , has garnered rave reviews from critics and a damn good response from the audience.

Ajay and Saurabh have been showered with appreciation by one and all but Amma's performance seems to have stolen the show.

Joshi plays Shukla's mother in the film which sees Ajay essaying Amay Patnaik, Deputy Commisioner of Income Tax, in Lucknow. Set in the backdrop of India in the 1980s, the film is based on one of the most high profile raids the country has ever seen.

The two time National Film Award winning actor will impress you by his intense act. He has thus proved his versatility again