Mumbai: Earlier rumours were doing the rounds that all is not well between Sanjay Dutt and Ranbir Kapoor. Ranbir is playing Sanju's character in Rajkumar Hirani's upcoming biopic based on Baba's life.


However, the director Rajkumar Hirani has thrashed all the rumours and said that the duo spends a lot of time together.

He even clarified the reports of Dutt avoiding the 'Tamasha' star and said, "No, nothing like that. Ranbir often spends time with Sanju. He just said it as a joke while laughing. He softly jokes a lot."

The film will feature Ranbir as Dutt, a task which the 'Tamasha' actor recently said was "difficult." The film is scheduled to go on floors next month.

Hirani was speaking at a special screening of 'Dangal' here last night.

The 'PK' helmer hailed it as a beautiful film and said he will watch it again.

"I had already seen it once, Aamir showed it to me. It is a very beautiful film. I have come to watch it again and will also go for the movie again with my team," Hirani said.

Starring Aamir Khan, 'Dangal' hit the screens today.

(With PTI inputs)