New Delhi: Makers of the upcoming film ‘Yaariyan 2’ on Wednesday unveiled the first look poster, starring the dynamic trio of Divya Khosla Kumar, Meezaan Jafri, and Pearl V Puri.


Taking to Instagram, Divya dropped the and captioned it, “With the Blessings of my Mamma, I share with you all the poster of my film #YAARIYAN2 directed by Radhika Rao & Vinay Sapru. Need all your Love. The teaser will be out tomorrow #staytuned.”

The eye-catching poster teases an all-around entertainment. Divya is portrayed with her back to the camera with a cigarette in her hand in Lehenga. The men are seen donning kurtas.

Soon after she shared the post, fans flooded the comment section with red hearts and fire emoticons. A fan commented, “All the best.” Another wrote, “Can’t wait for your yaariyan 2 it will be blockbuster. Divya di all the best for yaariyan 2.”

The presence of these actors along with a talented cast like Yash DasGupta, Anaswara Ranjan, Warina Hussain, and Priya Varrier in the lead roles promises to deliver compelling performances, ensuring an engaging experience for audiences.

The teaser of the tale of Friendship, Romance, and Music is set to be out on Thursday. The movie will be released on October 20 under the direction of Radhika Rao and Vinay Sapru.