New Delhi: Deepika Padukone and Shah Rukh Khan's 'Chennai Express' was a roaring success at the box office. The film hit the screens in August 2013 and broke several box office records in India and abroad. 'Chennai Express' became the fastest film to collect Rs 100 crore, despite earning mixed reviews from the critics. The movie tells the story of the cool bachelor named Rahul and the daughter of a local don, Meenalochni (Meenamma) who meet in the train 'Chennai Express'.


Deepika Padukone took to Instagram to share a behind the scenes video from the film which will make you go ROFL! The video is from the scene when Meenamma (Deepika) kicks Rahul (SRK) after she has a nightmare. 

Check it out here:

The caption of the video is, “when a possessed Meenamma took over the sets of #ChennaiExpress”.

Directed by Rohit Shetty, this scene of the film is still etched in our mind! While the movie was a blockbuster hit, its songs also were high on chartbuster lists. One of the most popular tracks from the film happens to be 'Lungi Dance' which still sets our feet tapping whenever we hear it. The signature step of the song has been tried out by almost every Bollywood celeb.

Not just B-Town, Hollywood too has tried the 'Lungi Dance'. Deepika, who was promoting her movie ‘xXx: Return of Xander Cage’ in January 2017, appeared on ‘The Late Late Show with James Corden’. The host was quite inquisitive to know what ‘Lungi Dance’ was and Deepika decoded 'Lungi dance' and made Corden match steps with her in true Desi style.