Filmmaker Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri, known for his fearless storytelling, is set to captivate audiences once again with his upcoming film, 'The Delhi Files.' The film aims to uncover hidden truths and real-life incidents, continuing Agnihotri's commitment to addressing harsh realities through cinema. 


Recently, Agnihotri spotlighted a horrifying crime in Sandeshkhali, West Bengal, where the body of a tribal girl was discovered tied and gagged in a pond. Sharing a newspaper clipping of the incident on social media, he expressed his anguish and determination to bring untold stories to light: 

"From Direct Action Day to the present, the brutal crimes against Hindus, especially hapless women, have not stopped. For too long, the gruesome and painful story of Bengal has remained untold. 

Not anymore. #TheDelhiFiles will reveal the truth like never before. 

I promise." 



Produced by Abhishek Agarwal Arts and Pallavi Joshi, and presented by Tej Narayan Agarwal & I Am Buddha, the film is slated for a global release on August 15, 2025. With Abhishek Agarwal’s continued collaboration, 'The Delhi Files - The Bengal Chapter' is poised to deliver another powerful narrative.