Mumbai: Close friend and television star Kamya Punjabi recently launched Pratyusha Bannerjee`s last short film titled `Hum Kuchh Keh Na Sakey` at the prayer meet of the late actress held yesterday.


Present at the film`s launch, which took place as a tribute to the late actress on her first death anniversary, were Pratyusha`s father Shankar Bannerjee, mother Soma Bannerjee and movie`s producer Neerusha Nikhat.

"On this eve of Navratri, I just want to say that girls come to their parents` house, but my daughter will never be able to come. I just want to request all men out there to stop harassing women. And ask women to be strong," said the actress`s mother at the prayer meet.

Pratyusha`s father, on the other hand, thanked Kamya as he said, "I have nothing to say especially today, just cannot stop thanking Kamya and Neerusha for doing all this today. I salute their friendship with Pratyusha."

Despite Rahul Raj Singh, Pratyusha`s boyfriend, reportedly accusing her of falsely claiming to have shot the short film with the `Balika Vadhu` star, Kamya took to Twitter to release it.

The film, which features Pratyusha in the lead, bears an uncanny resemblance to her real life. To begin with, the subject revolves around heartbreak and depression, which were allegedly the reasons behind her drastic step.