Mumbai: The makers of ‘PM Narendra Modi’ biopic, on Tuesday, announced the names of actors who will be a part of the main cast for the film. Following the inclusion of actors Darshan Kumaar and Boman Irani to the Vivek Oberoi starrer, the latest stars to join the film are Zarina Wahab, Manoj Joshi, Prashant Narayanan, Barkha Bisht Sengupta, Akshat R Saluja, Anjan Shrivastav, Rajendra Gupta and Yatin Karyekar.


Speaking about the cast, producer Sandip Ssingh said, “A solid star cast with talented actors is the base of effective cinematic experience. With ‘PM Narendra Modi’ we have got actors who are not just experienced but are also the right mix for a prestigious project like a biopic on Mr Narendra Modi. I am excited at the prospect of having such a talented cast and to work with them along with Omung."

The biopic will traverse the journey of PM Modi from his humble beginnings to his years as Chief Minister onto his landmark win at the 2014 election and finally being nominated as the Prime Minister of India.