Mumbai: Filmmaker Rajkumar Hirani on Wednesday shared a fresh poster of his upcoming film 'Sanju' featuring veteran actress Manisha Koirala as the legendary late actress Nargis Dutt. The poster has a vintage touch to it and also shows actor Ranbir Kapoor as the young Sanjay Dutt. 


Ranbir, who has gone through a major transformation to step into the shoes of Sanjay Dutt, is seen carrying a morose expression on his face. Sharing the poster, Hirani wrote, "She lovingly called him #Sanju, and now that's what we all do too! Watch the ever so wonderful Manisha Koirala as Nargisji on 29th June. @mkoirala #RanbirKapoor! #RajkumarHiraniFilms @VVCFilms @foxstarhindi." 

Check out the poster here:

Manisha too took to Twitter to share the poster and wrote, "Feeling blessed and honored to play the role of Nargis ji in #Sanju..Watch the movie on 29th June. #RanbirKapoor #RajkumarHiraniFilms @rajkumarhirani @VVCFilms @foxstarhindi."


Manisha's look from the film was revealed by the makers a few months earlier. And just like Ranbir's, the fans were totally spellbound upon seeing her bearing an uncanny resemble with Nargis. 

Meanwhile, the trailer of 'Sanju' will be released on May 30. The teaser has already piqued audience interest in the movie, which showcases the highs and lows during various phases of the actor's life.

'Sanju' has an ensemble star cast with the likes of Ranbir playing the titular role of Dutt. It stars Sonam Kapoor, Dia Mirza,  Manisha Koirala, Anushka Sharma, Karishma Tanna, Jim Sarbh to name a few.

Expectations are high from this one as Ranbir has put in a lot of hard work to completely transform himself into looking like the real-life Dutt. The teaser has received a positive response and now all eyes set for the big release.

The film will be hitting the screens on June 29 this year.