Zee Media Bureau


In today's mobile internet world, speed is the most thrilling aspect. This thrill can soon be a reality for you will soon be able to download films on mobile phone in just 5 seconds!

A Times of India report quoting NYT said that the University of Surrey is doing work on fifth-generation, or 5G, wireless technology. The work set to be completed in early 2018 will let you download “entire movies to smartphones or tablets in less than five seconds”, TOI said.

Notably, 5G is the term on everyone`s lips at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona and a global race to develop it is under way.

5G will massively speed up the Internet and unlock the Internet of Things -- making driverless cars and talking fridges a reality.

IoT, for a laymen, is a futuristic system where you can control almost everything -- from TV to refrigerator, from air-cooling to coffee machine -- with your smartphone.