London, Jan 31: Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda terrorist network has developed a crude radioactive device known as "dirty bomb" in a nuclear laboratory in the afghan city of Herat, BBC in a report said today.

Citing information from British intelligence agents who had infiltrated into al-Qaeda training camps posing as recruits, the report said the terrorist network had a small 'dirty bomb' but not a full blown nuclear device. It said that the British officials had secret intelligence from agents supporting the claim, which included training manuals detailing how to use a dirty bomb to maximum effect.

The bomb has never been recovered but at least one leading al Qaeda weapons expert from Herat is still at large, Bristish officils were quoted as saying.

It said that the former Taliban regime had helped bin Laden in developing the bomb by providing him with radioactive isotopes.

The information also proved that Laden's weapons programme was much ahead than anyone thought, officials told the BBC.

Without revealing the actual evidence which the British officials had provided to the BBC, the report said that the information suggested that laden had taken development of Weapons of Mass Destruction as a priority by 1999.
Bureau Report