Zee Media Bureau


New Delhi: Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Sunday clarified that Interpol has not rejected its request for red corner notice against Vijay Mallya, but has sought more information on the matter.

On May 12, Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) had written to Interpol Headquarters on Enforcement Directorate's request to seek red corner notice( RCN) against Vijay Mallya.

A red corner notice is an international alert seeking the arrest of a person wanted by a country's judicial jurisdiction or an international tribunal with a view to his or her extradition.

As per reports, the global police body is said to have conveyed its objection to the ED's request citing insufficient evidence to issue a red corner notice against the liquor baron. 

The Enforcement Directorate said that the international police has sought clarification in the case, and that it will issue the rebuttal shortly. 

India's efforts to expeditiously get back Vijay Mallya has suffered another setback. Earlier, the UK refused to deport the beleaguered liquor baron who is facing arrest for money laundering citing legalities. 

Mallya is facing money laundering charges as well as loan defaults to the tune of around Rs 9000 crore, and had left the country on March 2. Vijay Mallya is currently staying in the United Kingdom.