Islamabad, Sept 07: India has sent the highest number of entries for the World Junior Ranking tennis tournaments to be held in Islamabad later this month, a Pakistan tennis official said. "India has sent 16 entries -- ten boys and six girls," said Muhammad Arif Qureshi who has been nominated the chief referee for the two-leg tournament.
The first leg of the championship is slated to be held from September 29 to October 5 here. Qureshi said besides 16 entries from India, the organisers have also received two entries in the girls section from Thailand. Sri Lanka plans to send three boys and two girls for the international tennis federation approved junior tournaments, which will carry international ranking points. "September 12 is the deadline for sending entries after which no entry will be accepted as this is an international ranking competition," Qureshi was quoted as saying by the country's official news agency. Bureau Report