Zee Media Bureau


New Delhi: Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Wednesday said that he was baffled as to why Congress is not allowing the passage of Goods and Services (GST) Bill.

In an exclusive interview to CNN News18 Jaitley added, “Ex-finance ministers from Congress backed GST but they are now chained by politics.”

Stressing upon the need to deal with non performing assets (NPAs) Jaitley stated that Public Sector Banks (PSBs) should deal with them.

“Our economy does not need multiple public sector banks. PSBs should deal with NPAs to to push consolidation,” Jaitley told the news channel.

Adding that the NPA situation will improve, Jaitley further added that he is working hard to take action against loan defaulter.

“Many industrial sectors are currently restrained by debts. Key sectors are now showing signs of growth as debts are being properly managed,” he added.