New Delhi, Feb 25: The Samata Party and RJD clashed in the Lok Sabha today with the former alleging that the law and order situation has deteriorated in Bihar. Raising the issue during Zero Hour, Renu Kumari cited the recent instance of a person in Khagaria who was shot dead while going to a bank to deposit Rs 10 lakh and the assailant made good his escape with the money. She said the state police failed to nab the killer and instead resorted to firing on people protesting the increasing crime rate in the state. Kumari demanded that a probe should be ordered and action taken against the culprits. RJD members Raghuvans Prasad Singh and Ram Prasad Singh vociferously refuted the charges. Proceedings were disrupted for a short while as the two sides were engaged in heated exchanges. Kirti Azad, BJP, said this was nothing but 'dadagiri' (use of strong-arm tactics) in Parliament. Prabhunath Singh, Samata, said Patna has become a "den of criminals". He said the students were fired at and described the law and order situation as "very bad".
Bureau Report