Patna, Dec 22: Driven to abject poverty following non-payment of salaries for the past ten years, about 20,000 employees of 18 out of 45 loss-making boards and corporations of Bihar government are forced to take up menial jobs to meet both ends. According to official data, the employees of these units have not been paid salaries for a maximum period of ten years and minimum of four months.

The situation has further aggravated with the Bihar government deciding to liquidate 14 loss-making state government undertakings. A petition to wrap up six units -- Bihar State Leather Development Corporation, Bihar State Drugs and Chemicals Development Corporation, State Handloom and Handicrafts Corporation, Bihar State Small Industrial Development Corporation, Bihar State Sugar Development Corporation and State Agricultural Development Corporation -- has already been filed in the Patna High Court.

Besides, state small-scale industries minister Ravindra Charan Yadav said recently in the state assembly that the cabinet sub-committee on economic affairs has proposed to close down eight other boards/corporations, which was being seriously considered at the highest level. Yadav said after the liquidation of these loss-making units, the state government would take a decision regarding payment of wage and other arrears in accordance with the law.

The minister said as the state government believed in social justice, it would consider giving respite to the employees of these boards and corporations.
Bureau Report