New Delhi: Zomato has taken its ad campaign to the next level by incorporating Artificial Intelligence (AI). The company shared a video on its Instagram handle featuring popular figures such as Elon Musk, Lionel Messi, and Leonardo DiCaprio running their own food kitchens.


In a clever twist, Zomato captioned the video with a quote from AI, stating, "Mother! My powers have been used in the wrong way." The video showcased tech billionaire Elon Musk operating Musk Chaat Bhandaar, star footballer Lionel Messi managing Messi Andhra Mess, and veteran actor Leonardo DiCaprio overseeing Oscar Chai Wala, which are available on Zomato for online order.

Netizens Respond With Humour

Netizens responded with humor, with one user requesting a "MUSKa bun," referring to a popular Indian street food, and another inquiring about "Ronaldo rumali roti."AI-generated videos are rapidly gaining attention and popularity across various platforms.

AI Generated Videos

These videos are created using sophisticated algorithms and machine learning techniques, enabling the generation of realistic and captivating visuals. From deepfake technology to virtual reality simulations, AI-generated videos offer endless possibilities for creative expression and storytelling.

They can be used in diverse fields, including entertainment, marketing, and education, providing new avenues for visual content creation. With advancements in AI, these videos are becoming increasingly convincing, blurring the line between reality and digital simulation. As AI continues to evolve, we can expect even more impressive and immersive video content that pushes the boundaries of creativity and engages audiences in unprecedented ways.