The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) Apex Council met on Monday (September 20) and one of the major decisions taken was to give a hike to domestic cricketers.


"I am pleased to announce the hike in match fee for domestic cricketers. Seniors - INR 60,000 (above 40 matches). Under 23- INR 25,000, Under 19 - INR 20,000 #BCCIApexCouncil," BCCI secretary Jay Shah tweeted.

Also, another big point to be discussed was the compensation package that will be handed to domestic cricketers after the Indian domestic calendar was impacted in the 2020-2021 seasons due to COVID-19. Secretary Jay Shah announced that cricketers who participated in 2019-20 domestic season will get 50 per cent additional match fee as compensation.

Taking to Twitter, he wrote: "Cricketers who participated in 2019-20 Domestic Season will get 50 per cent additional match fee as compensation for season 2020-21 lost due to COVID-19 situation #BCCIApexCouncil."

The working committee was formed by the BCCI to look into the compensation package of 50 per cent of the total match fee. The committee comprised of former India skipper Mohammed Azharuddin, Santosh Menon, Jaydev Shah, Yudhvir Singh, Rohan Jaitley, Avishek Dalmiya, and Devajit Saikia.