New Delhi: Former President of the United States, John F Kennedy once said that, "children are the world's most valuable resource and its best hope for the future."


True, but in the wake of political uncertainties world over, the plight and promise of innocent children have reached a tipping point so horrifying that many have started wondering if the world's future heads towards a fatal doom.

The situation in India is no different from other troubled parts of the world, and images of two unlucky Syrian boys Alan Kurdi and Omran Daqneesh came flashing back whenever the talks of child rights hit the floor.

Still, we have a Children's Day in India on November 14.

On that note, here we bring you some of the greetings extended to the children by India's past and present sport stars, and special tweets:

Children's Day coincides with the birth anniversary of country's first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru.