Former India cricketer and now head coach of the Bengal cricket team, Arun Lal is all set to get married for the second time at the age of 66. The ceremony is set to be a private affair that will take place in Lal's home city of Kolkata on 2nd May 2022.


Notably, Lal will tie the knot to his long time friend Bul Bul Saha, whose age is 38 years. The couple reportedly got engaged last month. The Peerless Inn hotel in Kolkata will host the wedding reception post the marriage.

According to a News18 Bengali report, Lal had parted ways with his first wife Reena a while back after the two mutually agreed to get a divorce. However, the former India batter still lives with her because of an illness. It is also said that the Arun and his soon-to-be second wife Bul Bul will be taking care of the ailing Reena post their marriage.

Meanwhile, the Bengal cricket team, CAB officials, and other close relatives and friends of the couple have been invited to the wedding. Also, BCCI President Sourav Ganguly is expected to grace the occasion as well. Lal has known Ganguly for many years, much of it because of his close association with Bengal cricket for more than three decades.

Arun Lal played 16 Tests and 13 ODIs for team India between 1982 and 1989. 

It is worth mentioning that Lal rose to prominence as a commentator in both domestic and international games and was a regular face behind the mic until 2016, when he was diagnosed with jaw cancer.

Lal is now cancer-free and has been one of the main reasons behind Bengal qualifying for the Ranji Trophy final 2019-20 after a long gap of 13 years. In the ongoing season, Bengal advanced to the quarterfinals after securing the highest point tally of 18 with three wins on the trot