New Delhi: Then, in January 2012, the former former Prime Minister of Australia Bob Hawke made headlines for skolling a beer at an Australia-India Test match at the Sydney Cricket Ground.


Keeping the tradition, the 87-year-old on Tuesday repeated the act the hallowed ground by knocking down another coldie, this time during an Australia-Pakistan match.

But the only difference was, in 2012, Hawke was walking through the crowd to get the beer offer to him; while on day before yesterday, he was in the stands with journalist Charles Wooley.

Moments after gulping down, he became an Internet sensation. Impressed with Hawke's virtuoso performance, many took to social media sites and shared their thoughts, with some even going back time to share snippets from the history.

He was the Prime Minister of Australia from 1983 to 91, and is still a hugely popular and beloved figure Down Under.