Former Indian cricketer MS Dhoni celebrated his 42nd birthday on July 7. On the day, social media flooded with wishes for the cricketing legend from his fans as well as his teammates, who made sure to celebrate the day. Making the day better for the fans, Dhoni's Chennai Super Kings (CSK) teammate Mohit Sharma shared a video of the former Indian cricket team captain singing. In the unseen video, Captain Cool sings a famous Bollywood song, "Salaam-E-Ishq Meri Jaan," from Amitabh Bachchan's movie "Muqaddar Ka Sikandar."


The video shared by Mohit Sharma is gaining a lot of traction on Instagram and has amassed over 1.1 million views earning it the status of a viral video. Furthermore, the comment section of the video flooded with praises for MS Dhoni. Many fans even compared him to the famous Bollywood singer Arijit Singh. 

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Though instances of MS Dhoni singing in public are rare, his love for Bollywood singer Kishore Kumar's songs is well known. The cricketer has expressed love for his songs multiple times and even attempted to bring them to life in his voice. Dhoni was even recorded singing the song "Main Pal Do Pal Ka Shayar '' while bidding farewell to his international cricketing career.

Before retirement, MS Dhoni had a glittering cricketing career embellished with multiple records. Dhoni scored 10,773 runs at an average of 50.57 during the course of 350 ODIs. With the greatest score of 183*, he amassed 10 centuries and 73 fifty scores for India. With Sachin Tendulkar leading the way with 18,426 runs, he is India's fifth-highest scorer in ODIs. He ranks as the 11th most successful batsman in ODI history. His numbers are even more intriguing because he was batting down the order and still managed to score over 10,000 runs at an average of over 50.

Captain Cool, participated in 98 T20Is for India and amassed 1,617 runs at an average of 37.60 and a strike rate of 126.13. He has two half-centuries in the format, the best of which is a 56. He captained India in 72 T20Is, winning 41, losing 28, drawing one, and going winless in two. He has a 56.94 winning percentage. In 2007, he led India to victory in the first ICC T20 World Cup.