Team India touring England may be asked to undergo only a three-day hard quarantine before being allowed to practice in a bio-secure environment during isolation ahead of the World Test Championship (WTC) final in Southampton.


The roadmap could be similar to what New Zealand is following on arrival in England for their Test tour that comprises a two-Test series against host from June 2 as well as the WTC final against India from June 18. Apart from the WTC final, India play five Test matches against England in August-September.

Virat Kohli-led India is scheduled to depart from Mumbai on June 2 and will undergo, on arrival in England, a 10-day isolation period, details of which are not yet clear since there has been no official intimation from the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI).

However, it is understood that discussions between BCCI and England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) have been going on and since most India players are already in bio-secure bubble in Mumbai with others joining over the next couple of days, the quarantine wouldn't be a hard one for all 10 days despite India being in the red list of UK government due to rising number of Covid-19 cases.

New Zealand were asked to undergo a mandatory three-day hard quarantine before being allowed to practice in groups of six. They had arrived on Monday and Tuesday in batches.

"The first three days will be spent in hotel room isolation, before mini-training groups of six can be established from days 4-6, pending negative covid results," New Zealand Cricket had said on arrival.

While New Zealand, who are camping in Southampton now, will move to London at the end of this month for the Test series against England, India will move in from June 2.