New Year, new beginnings, new dreams, new experiences, fresh start and promises for a brighter future. Yet another year filled with so many memories and joyful time has just passed by.


2018 is believed to be a year where many fruitful incidences/events/transformations are likely to take place in every individual’s life. Are you up for it? Will you ride the wave or miss the golden opportunity? Will you curse the stars or expect them to play their magic on you when your own actions are leading the path to peril.

In general, this transit should bring good fortune for all zodiac signs. The coming year is expected to be favorable for most signs as Jupiter is in the 7th House of Libra, and in the house of partnership, diplomacy, relationship, marriage and overall good fortune. Venus is the lord of this house. Rahu is in Cancer sign which is the 4th  house and the house where Jupiter is exalted and Ketu which dances itself with Rahu is in the house of Capricorn, the lord house of Saturn. Further Saturn is in Sagittarius which is the House Lord of Jupiter. Saturn will impact its own houses that is 10th and 11th houses and will be aspecting 3rd and 7th houses from natal chart. Saturn’s impact will influence areas with respect to career, fortune, marriage, partnership and relationship with siblings along with higher education and spirituality in the coming year.  Every person will see impact in these areas, based on the individual charts and planetary placements.

Astrologically, Venus – the house lord is a functional benefic for the Libra house and will always give positive and benefic results, in general. Further, Libra is the sign where Saturn is exalted, and it is in its 11th  house from itself, signifying favorable results in fortune. The harmful effect of Rahu will be nullified by Jupiter because Cancer is placed where Jupiter is exalted, and Jupiter will control the harmful impact of Rahu. Jupiter also aspects 5th  and 9th  house from its location, signifying 11th  house and 3rd  house in the natal birth chart based on kaal purusha. Thus, Jupiter will impact 7th, 11th  and 3rd  house and play prominent influence on Lord of Jupiter houses (9th  and 12th  houses). Further it reduces negative influence of Rahu and gets strength from Saturn for 7th  and 3rd  house respectively.

Hence one can see rewarding experience in career, business, love and marriage, home, fortune and relationship with siblings. Hence, 2018 will bring positive impact in everyone’s life in general. For personal interpretations log on to:

Predictions by Dr. Sundeep Kochar

Aries – You should rock and become a Rock Star: Don’t miss the golden opportunity

You are in one of your best years, make use of this year to your advantage. You have Mars’ energy to push yourself and a golden opportunity to make the best use of all the planetary placements to your advantage.

People at work will see gain in position or newer responsibilities. You may get promotion or recognition at your workplace. For those who are involved in business or planning to start one, this is the appropriate time to start it. You will find good partner with whom you can team up and you will be rewarded for your work. Just be cautious during the last quarter of year as you may see sudden windfall of luck which can slightly make you overbalance. Be grounded.

For those who are still single, it is a good time to get married and settle down. Those who are planning to expand their family, it is also the most appropriate time to do it. You will be blessed with children based on your planetary positions.

For those who are married or married with children or still single, you may find it a bit frustrating that you are not given full support at your home front. This is just an illusion as your focus is more on career and your energy level is simply at best when working on highly effective auto mode. You feel like 48-hour daily mode is not sufficient to complete your daily task.

Your obsession for buying home, new cars, etc, will just increase and even if you own them, you will still yearn for better things. By last quarter, you may even indulge in gambling to achieve faster gains.

Seek guidance from your father and elders, though you prefer to seek knowledge from divine self directly. Meditation, prayers and religious travels are preferred to support your transformational journey this year.

Taurus –You will be facing adversaries, but will overcome them successfully through transformation

It will be a year of transformation in many senses for you. Your patience will be tested to the core and in many ways, you will come out successfully. You will be tested with sudden challenges and your innate ability to stand tall should allow you to steer any challenges successfully.  Your mind will try to resolve matters and you are likely to resist traditions and advice from elders. It is advisable to seek guidance from elders, teachers or spiritual gurus than relying on your stubborn mindset. Be calm, relax and meditate.

Try to keep a check on your health-related matters. You may need to control your diet as you are likely to put on weight due to excessive eating or your rapacious habit of enjoying healthy food and wine. Old ailments may resurface, though most of them may not be life threatening, it is still important to keep a check on them to lead a healthy life.

Those at work place may find many competitors vying for your position. You will most likely outgrow the competition, provided you are more focused on challenging work, patience and no-nonsense approach which has always been your trademark. You should try to be less speculative and focus more on structural investments this year.

The last quarter may give an interesting twist and for those who are single may find someone to mingle. The married ones have high chances of finding new addition soon in their home.

Gemini – Make the best of this year and work hard to achieve remarkable things

The start of 2018 is one of the best time of your life. Those Geminis who avoid being serious and lack in putting efforts will be bigger fool than a fool himself. This is best years for romance, career and for those married with children. This is the year when you can really grow and scale new heights depending upon the planetary positions in your natal chart.

People in the field of communication, sales and marketing, family business will all enjoy great success. New partnerships will be forged and old ones will be strengthened. Your family members may be obsessed with you and it may not be a bad state to be in, provided you know how to manage it to your advantage.

For those who are single, it is time to get married or you will find the right partner to make your life blissful. For those who are married and with children, you will spend time seeing your children grow in upward swing. You will get to see your child’s talent and you should encourage it, nurture and allow it to blossom to its full.

Meditate and focus on goals, thoughts and channel your energy in positive ideas to put them in action. This is the time for your higher goal seeking and learning and make it best to your way. The last quarter may fetch interesting and mixed results. Overall, a good year for you.

Cancer – Keep your mind active and sharp

By the time 2018 ends, you will have complete understanding on the ability to control your mind. It is the year where things will be good on your homefront, health, wealth and family. You will feel insecure on all fronts and be obsessed to make them better. The year will teach you how to manage your emotions and those who have managed it well will transform their lives in future.

Your home front will be needing your attention. You will feel the need to do a lot of things in place and will be spending ample amount of time in putting efforts on your home front. Some may buy new home or car or tear down the existing interiors and replace them with new ones.

This is the year you will pay attention to your health. It is good to be proactive and manage your health wisely. Keep yourself fit but just do not overdo it. You may find your colleagues a bit unsupportive and may feel insecure at your workplace. But keep working hard and it will fetch you great results. You will be surprised to know that your colleagues and family have been supportive, and it is just your illusion that is creating all concerns.

Overall, 2018 should bring satisfying results with added responsibilities. Though, Rahu will try to create illusions mentally, the positive influence of Jupiter will ensure that you are in safe hands. It’s all in your hand to receive them and make the opportunities work for you.

Leo – Bold decisions are in offing. And remember, fortune favors the brave

This is the year you will find yourself strong and energetic. A highly dynamic year is in offering. You will be meeting people from all walks of life and you will allow yourself to grow and shine. This is the year you will pursuit your literary and artistic talents.

Family related matters are really close to your heart. This is the year your siblings will look up on you for direction. Be ready to give your time for their growth. The year will test your penchant for gambling as well. While you may be lucky in making big bucks on risky investments, shares and stocks, it is always wise to take a measured approach.

You may fall in love hopelessly. The ones having children will be happy for their success. Spend time with your partner and make your relationship better as it needs some attention.

Losses are expected in financial investments in late quarter of the year, but it will not be too big a loss to put you off balance. Overall, a positive year for you.

Virgo – Get ready for rewards in plenty

After long year of arduous work, this is the year for sudden growth in your wealth. You need to make sure you clear all your debts.

Family will be your focus and you will be spending a lot of time in ensuring your family is sound position. That approach will itself bring you closer to your spouse, children and family members. This year, you will be rewarded for all the demanding work and you will gain some good monetary rewards too. Use it for the welfare of the family or reducing your outstanding debts.

You need to be careful with your health. You may find some problems related to hips or back pain. Try to do a lot of exercise for improving your spine.

For those looking forward to start a business or expand the existing one, this is time you can consider doing it. You will find some good partnership. However, it is important to ensure a proper back ground check before inking any business deal or forging new partnership.

The second half of the year will be a bit turbulent, but you will wade over it if you put your groundwork successfully.

Libra – One doesn’t hit the Jackpot twice, but you will

2018 is going to be one of the best years for you, and as mentioned above,  you will hit the jackpot twice, since you are in one of the best phases of life. Make the best use of this time. Just out of the 7 1/2-year cycle and Saturn is most favourable position this year for you.

Work-wise, you will be doing extremely well. This goes especially for people in the field of creativity, liberal arts and music. People in real estate, car sales will also do very well. For those in politics, this is a good year as more people will follow you and your position as leader will improve. However, most of it depends on the place of your stars in your natal chart. For those in business, you will form new partnerships. People working in the field of construction business, travel and tourism, food and beverage and earth sciences will do very well. Those who are in debt will get good opportunities to reduce their debt, and those who are doing well will see a significant increase their bank balance.

2018 is year where you will undertake several short trips, most of them  be work related or pleasure. You may be focused more on activities that give you pleasure. This year might also prove to be an era where your love life may take amorous route. It is not a bad space to be in, but refrain from overindulging as it may backfire.

Rahu will exert a lot of pressure towards your career and Saturn will keep you in balance with your family needs. Jupiter will be giving you all the blessings. Overall, you will find a lot of luck passing all through the year.

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Scorpio: A year of Transformation to unleash and find your true hidden potential

This year is perfect for seeking knowledge and inner transformation. You will be finding your true self during this year. Be careful with extravagant expenditures as it may put you in severe financial strain. Try not to take legal matters in your hands. It is better to avoid any investments and partnerships that involve risky legal matters.

First, you will be entirely focused on matters related to home. You will be ensuring things are better on domestic front. You will be spending a lot of your time and resources to rebuild the burnt bridges and in many ways you will find the true meaning of love and relationship by the end of the year.

Travelling abroad is on cards for those seeking higher learning or better career growth. You will also make more money overseas this year than at your homeland. In many cases, you may even move overseas. .

Those who are married and have got children, your time will be spent on understanding the needs of your children and those who are married and do not have children, your spouse will be your primary focus. Building a relationship with your spouse will take your time.

Work-wise you will face some minor hurdles, but you will be more focused on putting or setting plans in place. You may like to seek a change in career or profession. This year just learn the tricks of trade or lie low and plan yourself before you take the plunge. By the end of the last quarter, you should feel the change and difference. For some this difference will be apparent and will lead to growth. The effects of Saturn will still be in last phase and will give you its final impact and depending on your other planetary placements the results will vary.

Sagittarius –A golden opportunity ahead, don’t miss it

People born in this sign will be under the influence of Sade Saati (Saturn impacting its full 7 1/2 years). This is generally seen as an inconvenient time and people are usually worried and concerned. Several people end up getting conned by many quake naysayers.

This year is actually a very good year for you, provided that you make the right moves. You will see your investments grow and those in severe debt will see that their debts are reduced dramatically. This is the year where you can also see some sudden gains as both Jupiter and Saturn are in the house of Libra, an exalted sign for Saturn and own sign of Venus will be impacting your 11th house from your moon placement.

Those who plan to get married may find a suitable partner and the marriage will last long, possessing all the qualities of a fruitful and long-lasting partner.

Your relationship with your family members will be patchy. You need to spend more time on mending this relationship. However, you will enjoy lot of luxury on home front though the focus will be more on spiritual in nature. The second half of the year will be more speculative, and you will  need to be more careful and watch for your spouse emotions.

The last quarter of the year will see some turbulence. You might start witnessing some sudden events and all the preparatory work and gains in nearly 9 months of the year should be good enough to sustain the final quarter of the year. So, go out and give your best.

Capricorn – Start preparing for changes

The impact of 7 years Saturn transit will start coming very soon and you should get geared up for it. Saturn will teach you the lessons in life and those who are spiritually inclined or with noble thoughts will have little trouble in adjusting to the impact of Saturn.

Your career will experience some growth in your position. You might have to take on more responsibilities. This is the year where you will find some activities in public speaking or leadership roles. You will generally not be interested in pursuit of spiritual matters, though it is equally important for your growth. This year you will find some trouble with your partner and especially spouse. Keep them in good books. Those who are single may fall in sudden romance and may even marry. This is one of those times where you need to get yourself to move on.

You may find yourself in a bit of bother if you are dealing with legal and financial matters. People involved in business should avoid taking risky decisions. By the end of the first half things will become more prominent. Taking professional advice before entering in any legal matters will benefit you. However, it all depends on your stars placement in your birth chat. 

Aquarius – Expect unexpected gains throughout the year

In the first half of the year, Jupiter will be transiting in your 9th house and it is time for your growth in spirituality and occult science. You will get a chance to travel overseas for higher learning and your relationship with your spouse and father will turn better.

Aquarians in creative fields flourish. Creative skills enhance your dimensions and open new doors. Health problems may get the better of you during the first quarter.

You will be blessed with the fortune of children if you are married. Those who are single will find a partner. This is the time when you will also develop interest in speculative trading and investments. Try to avoid risky gambling as it may addict you and take you towards path to peril.

Towards the end of year, you will get great opportunities in professional life. Therefore, the sign of gains will have plenty to fill the pot in 2018. You will excel in your career with challenging work and dedication. Students will successfully complete their degree and your income will also magnify. Be prepared for a blissful 2018 but more importantly, this year will be a journey where you will see yourself grow spiritually.

Pisces – Time to upgrade LIFE.

2018 is a year to turn your previous efforts into reality and a year of sudden gains and losses. It’s the time to turn inwards and dwell on a stronger spiritual awareness. Students receive rewards, awards and recognition. It’s an appropriate time to grow in your career or academically during the first quarter of 2018.

Jupiter irons out your monetary crunches, bringing security and stability. In the first quarter of the year try to avoid confrontations as they may unnecessarily distress you. You are more optimistic and productive. Well planned thoughts turn into fruitful action.

The second half of the year is an appropriate time to purchase a new car or house. Your year is packed with events and appointments. Bring out your diary and get organized!

You may be blessed with children and your children will give you a lot of happiness. Those wanting to invest in entertainment, sports or any speculative business will attain fame and great returns. The first half of the year is very favorable time for actors, creative artists, public speakers and speculative business investors. Health conditions may cause you slight stress; hence yoga and meditation will be beneficial. Keep a track on your food habits and exercise routine. Try to remain positive and carry an honest attitude in all matters related marriage and partnership. In your work front, responsibilities and workload may heighten. Stay calm and focused as remarkable things are on your way in 2018.

(Sundeep Koachar is a celebrity astrologer. He can be reached at

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