It's a new day, a new beginning. It's all about starting life afresh. So as you begin a new journey, find out what the stars have in store for you today. There are twelve zodiac signs and each has its distinct feature. Be it, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces — each of the signs has something unique to tell.


Check out the astrological prediction by Dr Sundeep Kochar here: 

What’s on your to-do list today? Throw that out, because a lot of new opportunities are going to find their way on your doorstep at work. You’ll be introduced to new projects to pick from and this will portray your interests in a new light all together. So take a careful look at these projects, because it’s what is on the agenda for you.

 A lot of intellectual ideas are going to find their way into your brain today. Your task is to figure out how you’re going to implement them all. You’re going to need a lot of resources and all the helping hands you can get. Don’t let yourself down by thinking it’s too much work. You can easily get it done if you plan properly.

You might face a little bit of a power struggle at work today. There’s someone who is fighting to be at the position you’re at, and they aren’t going to let you grow. However, you need to fight back and claim what’s yours. You can’t let others take your spot, especially since you’ve worked so hard for it.

When problems arise during work, you don’t have to ignore them and run away. Your skills will be tested today, so make sure you’re able to find solutions to the problems presented to you. Come up with practical solutions so people see that you’re capable of much more than they think you are.

Your work space is too boring - it’s time to spruce it up a little. Go out and buy a few things to add to your desk and make it a little homey. When the place looks a little nice, you’ll be able to concentrate better and you’ll actually find inspiration and enjoy your work.

There’s going to be a lot of passion and chemistry between you and someone new you’ll meet at an event. This might seem a little scary since you’re not too much into meeting new people to start up a spark with, but a new thing is always a good thing. So keep an open mind - so you can get what you deserve in the love sector.

There might be a little bit of friction between you and someone from your past. However, don’t take this as positive tension. You ended things for a reason, and that’s why they need to remain in the past. They might sweep you off your feet with their cutesy messages and notes, but remember that you have to keep a strong ground.

Everything seems fun today for you - so go enjoy the day. Don’t think too much about wanting to start up something serious with someone. Sometimes, a casual fling here and there helps a lot. So sit back and don’t stress over things too much. Love will walk to you when it needs to.

Meeting strangers is surely fun for you, we all know that - but today it’s best to stick with your own crew. You’re not going to find what you’re looking for with new people, but someone you already know might strike the spark in you. So keep your eyes open tonight.

Though work and pleasure is a dangerous thing to mix, sometimes it’s good to take risks and understand the signs others are giving you. Pay attention to the eyes of others that are trying to meet yours. Someone’s been eyeing you for a while, and they might be the same person you’re into. So go and talk to them - this might start up something interesting for you.

Things between you and someone close to you might get a little heated. You’ll find yourself getting into arguments with this person for no reason. This is simply because you haven’t had the time to communicate with them. Instead of going against everything they’re saying, try to communicate and talk things out. This will help with your frustration.

When all else fails in your love life, it’s best to ask for advice from someone who is more experienced in that sector. Sometimes you can’t see clearly because you’re too involved. The person on the outside can easily help you see what’s going on in your mind - and might help you out with your dilemma too.