New Delhi: Here’s a quick list of stuff that you just cannot miss if you want to rock that party.


Venue: Pick a spot where you want to throw your party, preferably outdoors −the backyard fits perfectly but you can always fuel the adventure spark and drive up-to some stranded place

Bonfire: Grab some unused or unwanted wood and some twigs, logs, leaves, sticks etc. Dig a shallow pit and surround it with bricks, because, well, you know, fire spreads. Make a pyramid with the wood logs & sticks and put in the twigs under the shadow of the pyramid.

Get a lighter and fire it up.

Food: It has to go well when it comes to food & drinks or else you’ll never hear the end of it. Good thing is that it’s not too difficult; you just need to be careful and generous. You can also get a load of chips and some non-alcoholic beverages.

Music: Get a dhol and go crazy. Sing out loud for a change and the world knows you will have more than one guys in your party who can quote